PAST – Take Your Meditation Off Your Mat – Fridays in August

3-week series, no experience necessary!

Find your inner peace with a combination of mindful movement, energy balancing (Reiki), aromatherapy (essential oils), guided and self-guided meditations, and intention setting to provide you with accessible mindfulness tools you can take off your mat and into your everyday life.  No experience needed! Bring your yoga mat, favorite blanket, journal, and anything (everything) that will help you get comfortable. 

Spring Dates for Take Your Meditation Off Your Mat 3 week series: 

August 16, 23, 30 at Willamalane Adult Activity Center Springfield – Parkview Room

11am – 12pm 

$35 for series 

Register today!


Our Comment Policy: It’s pretty simple… always be respectful of others. No spam or graphic/explicit content will be allowed. To make sure no one is playing too roughly, comments may be held for moderation. Other than that, here’s another chance to come together. Have fun!

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